Many companies have a need for specific software solutions which would enable them to successfully provide services to their clients. Custom software development creates applications specially designed to cater to the specific needs of these organizations and users. As a company that has, for 20 years now, provided services of software development and implementation tailored to users’ needs, we present to you a list of reasons why we believe custom software is the right choice for your business.
The development of a software solution, specifically for your company, ensures that it is tailored to your needs. Finished software, created in advance, can offer a wide spectrum of functions and functionalities, but it is made to serve multiple companies simultaneously. On the other hand, custom software makes it possible for you to participate in its creation and adaptation, helping you find new possibilities for the optimization of your processes, which leads to higher productivity in your organization. Higher productivity means financial profitability in the long run as well.
Custom software development may seem like an expensive option at the beginning, but in the long run, that option is undoubtedly more profitable. It should be taken into consideration that the finished software packages also include certain expenses because it is you that are forced to adapt to them. An additional expense that you have to bear every year is the annual fee for the license, which can vary due to different, often unclear factors. Custom software demands larger investments at the beginning, but the expenses become almost negligible in the long run. Besides, its implementation can be planned based on the company’s budget and developed in accordance with it.
The business environment is constantly changing, which is why companies have to adapt to new circumstances in order to remain competitive. The adaptability of the custom software guarantees that it will meet all the needs of your company, even if they change over time. This ensures that the software meets the growing requirements of your organization. On the other hand, the characteristics of the standard application remain more-less constant and cannot be manipulated easily. The advantage of custom software is that you have a team that can understand all of your requests at any moment and make them happen. Whether you want to add new functions, increase the capacity of the product, or simply support the growing requirements of your company — the adapted solutions can completely fulfill your demands.
The business of many companies relies on a wide spectrum of software tools that should efficiently communicate with one another to achieve the desired results. If you are using multiple tools or programs in your business, you might need them to mutually correspond successfully. These functionalities are very hard to obtain in a finished software. However, they can be built into the adapted, custom software. Standard software can also have certain options for integrating with other software, but there is a big chance it will not work as you intend it to. Good implementation of adapted systems and tools allows companies to simplify certain business operations and automatize some of their functions.
Another advantage of custom software is that they are easy to use, as they are not too extensive and have enough functions for your operations. Standard software can have a lot of functionalities based on a generic set of requirements, which can sometimes confuse the user. You may find many of those functions to be unnecessary. Because of that, the tools become difficult to use. The ease of use increases productivity and reduces expenses by automating repetitive tasks. This will increase your profit and additionally reduce the expenses of your company.
One of the advantages of custom software is that the security demands of your organization can be implemented into the software. Hackers find it more profitable to hack the software used by a larger number of companies than unique software owned only by one. In other words, it is more likely they will find ways of entering your systems through the vulnerable parts of those kinds of tools. With custom software, chances for intrusion are lowered because you are using your own tool, mainly used by your own team. The process of making specially adapted software includes a detailed analysis of your requests, and use of the best practices, and takes into account the hidden risks and problems that can appear during that process.
Companies that make finished software solutions often publish newer versions of their software and stop all the support for the older versions. This can lead to temporary or complete operation discontinuation of your business. Also, companies go bankrupt and completely stop offering support. If you opt for custom software, you will not be exposed to risks like these. You can run your business without worrying that your whole business or some of its critical functions will be stopped. Furthermore, there is no fear that you will not be able to receive new updates or improvements. Custom software is always available and can be updated as much as necessary.
You will always get better support from the companies that deal with making custom software than from the ones that make finished software. Most of the time, permanent support is incorporated into your contracts with external partners, which means a custom team will provide you with software maintenance. This guarantees better problem-solving and troubleshooting compared to the support provided with the standard software. With the finished applications, you completely depend on the software manufacturing company that made your software and you cannot influence the time that it takes to troubleshoot problems or receive updates. The time it takes to respond and remove any potential problems is shorter with the adapted software development. The control of the support you will receive is in your hands and not the other way around.
As already stated, custom software is made exclusively with the goal to fit the requirements of your business. You can receive all kinds of unique functions incorporated into the system that the competition might not even have. The unique solution has the potential to become your unique sales offer, which can give you an advantage over the competition. The originality of software, with its good quality and high efficiency, provides greater customer satisfaction and more work for you in the long run.
Unlike already-made software solutions, the software made for your needs enables exclusive ownership, which gives your company full control over it. This means that you are free to make any changes and use its potential in accordance with your business’ requirements. Furthermore, no license fee, rules, or regulations can limit when to invest in your own application.
As we have stated in the beginning, company Prozone has many years of experience in making software adapted to the user’s needs. Our many successful projects in the past speak volumes about the quality of our work. So far, we have had more than successful collaborations with big companies such as Jugoimport – SDPR, Milšped, Raiffeisen Assistance, and many others. We are especially proud of our collaboration with the company DIPOS, which deals with the management, renting, and maintenance of properties, owned by the Republic of Serbia, for which we made a custom software DMS Dipos. Also, thanks to the SAPA project, as of recent, all of the institutions for executing prison sentences in Serbia use the software that serves to keep records of the persons deprived of liberty, which we developed and implemented.
If you have a need for quality and reliable custom software solutions, Prozone guarantees that your wishes and demands will be met with mutual satisfaction, through successful and professional collaboration.