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Prozone IT Solutions

Announcement of Prozone and TubeIQ Merger

Dear friends and associates, We are pleased to inform you that on January 8th, the merger agreement was officially signed, formalizing the merger of Prozone d.o.o. Novi Sad with its parent company, TubeIQ d.o.o. Belgrade. As a result of this merger, all assets and liabilities of Prozone have been transferred to TubeIQ, including all existing […]

Prozone IT Solutions

Celebrating Success: Our CTO, Đorđe Milić Honored at MaximoWorld 2024

Our CTO Đorđe Milić won the Best Maximo MRO Spare Part Management award at MaximoWorld 2024, showcasing our commitment to excellence and innovation in AI-driven asset management.

Prozone IT Solutions

The transformation of a candidate into a colleague—the magic of selection in Prozone

We interviewed Tamara Mihić, our Human Resources Manager, to get an insider’s view of our hiring process. Tamara shared her insights on the interview process, offered valuable tips for prospective employees, and discussed the challenges she encounters in her daily work.

DMS Dipos software development and implementation

Dipos is a company that manages, rents and maintains real estate owned by the Republic of Serbia. These real estate properties are in incredible locations, such as Dedinje in Belgrade. These properties mostly belong to diplomats and foreign business representative offices.

The software which we have developed and implemented is the System for managing documents and business processes – DMS DIPOS.

Within the system, we have a module for each of the DIPOS services. Business processes are encompassed by the DMS application, and all business is referenced to real estate. DIPOS already had an Office that was implemented, but we have reimplemented it and developed additional modules for each of the services that this business provides.


1) MODULE – technical services

This module keeps records on all activities regarding the services that DIPOS provides to their tenants – maintenance of objects, urgent interventions, cleaning services, physical object security, arrangement and maintenance of green areas, etc. Employees of this sector are engineers, architects, carpenters, plumbers, and many other technical personnel who receive work orders by using this module. After their task is complete, they insert everything they have completed to the software, so that there is a record of all works, used material, and expenses. The software monitors the hours it took to complete the task, the craftsmen who worked on the task, expenses, execution of orders, etc. Each request is referenced to a particular property. All activities, investments, expenses, contracts and purchase orders are monitored. Invoices are sent to tenants, and in case the properties are available, investments can be followed through this module.

2) MODULE – legal services

Within this module, the legal team logs all cases by type – litigation, administrative, etc. Depending on the case type, processes are also defined within the app. All cases are connected to a certain real estate property.

3) MODULE – service for commercial affairs and marketing

This module deals with rental and leasing procedures and lease renewals with tenants. When a property is made available, it is offered to diplomatic and foreign representative offices. If there is no interest at the moment when the property is advertised, it is offered to Serbian natural and legal bodies. The phases of the process are tracked through the system.


This is an internal module tracking all activities within the personnel department. Employee files are recorded here. The users of the app can submit vacation requests that are approved through the app. Within this module, there is also a system for evaluating work performance of employees and managers. Questionnaires containing approximately twenty questions are graded from 1 to 4, and are sent quarterly.

5) MODULE – Office

This module serves to enter all documents which are the subject of correspondence or DIPOS business. Electronic documents are kept in the system, which makes searching and reviewing of existing electronic documents quick, simple, and efficient. In order to ensure information security, the electronic office module allows defining of different levels of access depending on the organizational structure and function of the user, and, if necessary, the encryption of the content of correspondence.

6) MODULE – Procurement

This module encompasses the entire procurement cycle, starting with the creation and adoption of the procurement plan, processing of procurement requests, implementation of procurement, collection and evaluation of bids, ranking of bidders, selection of the most favorable bid, contracting, monitoring of procurement implementation and procurement plan and reporting.

7) MODULE – Real estate

Within this module, all real estate properties are recorded and referenced in the rest of the modules. This module represents the core of the app, since it aggregates the entire business.


Prozone is honored to have taken part in a project such as DIPOS, as well as other projects that we have worked on, such as the SAPA project. We are glad to have successfully finalized this project. Follow us so that you can keep up with all the other interesting projects that we have in store for the future.